The Gardeners of America
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To promote gardening education and related environmental issues to our membership and the gardening public through charitable, educational and scientific means.
Our Objectives:
To research, develop and publicize new and improved gardening techniques, encompassing all facets of horticulture
To research and promote ways gardeners can contribute to safeguarding and improving the environment
To render service to all members and the gardening public through educational programs and by developing and distributing garden information
Our Mission

To promote gardening education and related environmental issues to our membership and the gardening public through charitable, educational and scientific means.
Our Objectives:
To research, develop and publicize new and improved gardening techniques, encompassing all facets of horticulture
To research and promote ways gardeners can contribute to safeguarding and improving the environment
To render service to all members and the gardening public through educational programs and by developing and distributing garden information
Our Mission

Let's Connect!
Our National Headquarters:
The Ohio State University, Agricultural Technical Institute
in Wooster, Ohio.
The Gardeners of America
PO Box 40545
Bay Village, Ohio 44140-0545